Mental health support that employees actually use and love

A single platform to cover all the mental health needs of your business

Trusted by progressive companies of all shapes and sizes

Manage all the mental health needs of your business in one place

Professional support for employee mental health

Let employees book next-day sessions with qualified therapists

Manager training to help safeguard employees

Give managers the tools to spot and signpost struggling team members

Specialist parenthood and bereavement support

Be there when employees need it most with specialised support

Seamless integrations with your other benefits

Offer a pathway from Spill to your health insurance

We take employee privacy seriously

Spill is completely private and confidential for employees so that they are safe using the platform

We only show you
aggregated usage

We never tell you who books in - only the number of sessions that happened and which month they were in

Nothing is ever shared or recorded from the session

Sessions take place on end-to-end encrypted video software and are between the employee and counsellor

Employees always have the choice to be anonymous

When employees share feedback or put in a request for more sessions, the default is anonymity

See how Spill can support your team with their mental health
Book a demo

Spill vs EAPs

Spill is aimed at companies that want to provide impactful mental health support, not a benefit that goes unused

Access method
Slack / MS Teams
Phone line
Average utilisation
££ (pay as you go)
£ (lump sum)
Contract lock in period
30 days
5 years
High quality clinical support
Neurodivergence support
Integrates with health insurance

“If you are like us and you need every pound to pay back, Spill is a really good place to spend your money.”

Rachel Carrell
CEO, Koru Kids

Bring your company's mental health support into the 21st century

Book a demo