Everything you need to support your team’s mental health
Spill lets you provide access to qualified therapists in just a few clicks

Seamless integrations
Seamless integrations
Any employee with an email address can access Spill, but we also offer Slack and Microsoft Teams integrations to make Spill easier to access for desk-based workers.
Using an integration means that Spill is just a few clicks away, and easy to find for the whole team. Plus it means that your list of Spill users auto-updates in sync.
Using an integration means that Spill is just a few clicks away, and easy to find for the whole team. Plus it means that your list of Spill users auto-updates in sync.
Read more about Spill integrations
Diverse & global therapy
Diverse & global therapy
Modern teams are diverse and global, so therapy needs to be diverse and global too.
Spill has over 120 counsellors, and users are able to choose a counsellor of a particular sex or ethnic background, as well as those with experience working with the LGBT+ community. We also cover 10+ languages and timezones from USA to Australia.
Spill has over 120 counsellors, and users are able to choose a counsellor of a particular sex or ethnic background, as well as those with experience working with the LGBT+ community. We also cover 10+ languages and timezones from USA to Australia.
Read more about Spill therapy
Best-in-class counsellors
Best-in-class counsellors
All the counsellors on Spill are fully qualified, fully insured and have a minimum of 200 clinical hours under their belt already.
But these are just the minimum requirements in order to apply to Spill: in fact, we only end up hiring the top 13% of applicants after a strict hiring process that includes a mock therapy session. In short: only the best!
But these are just the minimum requirements in order to apply to Spill: in fact, we only end up hiring the top 13% of applicants after a strict hiring process that includes a mock therapy session. In short: only the best!
Read more about Spill counsellors
Next-day sessions
Next-day sessions
Say goodbye to long waiting lists, callbacks and application forms: booking a therapy session on Spill is a matter of just a few clicks. We have sessions as soon as the next day, as well as weekend and evening slots for employees who might not be able to do therapy in working hours.
Read more about Spill therapy

Safety Net stats
Safety Net stats
With Spill Safety Net, you can take the pulse of your team’s mood and mental health as often as you’d like. You’ll see stats on how many people checked in and what the team’s mood was vs. our all-company benchmarks.
Most importantly, you’ll see how many people Spill therapists have checked in with because their mental health is at risk.
Most importantly, you’ll see how many people Spill therapists have checked in with because their mental health is at risk.
Read more about Spill Safety Net
Usage & impact stats
Usage & impact stats
Unlike EAPs and some other mental health support solutions, Spill gives you complete transparency on how many therapy sessions have been used by your team.
You’ll even be able to see the impact those sessions are having, through employee feedback scores and session outcome measures.
You’ll even be able to see the impact those sessions are having, through employee feedback scores and session outcome measures.
Read more about Spill therapy
Spend control
Spend control
With Spill, you only pay for therapy sessions once they’ve happened, so no money is wasted on an underused benefit for the team.
We also give you full control over your spending, from setting therapy caps for your team to smoothing your payments into regular monthly ones if you prefer.
We also give you full control over your spending, from setting therapy caps for your team to smoothing your payments into regular monthly ones if you prefer.
Read more about Spill admin features

Next-day therapy in 10+ languages and timezones
- Employees can book daytime, evening and weekend sessions in 3 clicks
- We collect outcome measures and feedback to ensure effectiveness
- Therapy in 10+ languages and across timezones
Learn more about therapy on Spill
Let Spill find (and reach out to) employees who need help
- Never worry about an employee slipping through the cracks again
- Set up regular team mood surveys through our easy meeting integration
- Let Spill therapists message anyone at risk of poor mental health
Learn more about Spill Safety Net

Fully qualified counsellors with a range of specialisms
- All our counsellors are registered with a UK regulatory body
- We only hire the top 13% of counsellors who apply, meaning you get the best
- Our counsellors cover over 80 specialisms, from ADHD to social phobia
Learn more about the counsellors on Spill
Give your team easy access via Slack, MS Teams or email
- Our Slack, MS Teams and web apps let people use Spill through existing tools
- Booking a therapy session is a matter of just a few clicks
- Give your employees peace of mind with Spill’s end-to-end encrypted sessions
Learn more about Spill integrations

Admin tools for everything from spend control to usage
- Detailed usage and effectiveness reports show you how well Spill is working
- Set your maximum budget for individuals and for the team
- Get speedy customer support for anything you’re not sure about
Learn more about admin tools on Spill