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Workplace counselling: everything you need to know

Get the full lowdown on workplace mental health support that actually works

In this article
What is workplace counselling?How does workplace counselling work?What are the benefits of workplace counselling?Compare workplace counselling providers

Offer your employees next day counselling sessions with Spill

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  • Workplace counselling is a confidential mental health support service service that organisations can pay for to give their employees access to short-term therapy and other professional guidance to help navigate personal and professional challenges.
  • Spill is a specialist workplace counselling service that includes next day therapy, manager training, and neurodiversity support - all in one platform.
  • 88% of UK businesses now have an employee assistance programme (EAP) or other workplace counselling service in place to support their employees. 
  • There are three main types of workplace counselling services: external EAPs, in-house counselling, or specialist therapy solutions like Spill.
  • Workplace counselling offers various methods of counselling, such as solution-focused, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), psychodynamic, and person-centered therapy.
  • Workplace counselling benefits both employers and employees, contributing to better performance, fewer sick days, higher retention, and an overall more productive work environment

What is workplace counselling?


Workplace counselling is a form of counselling or therapy that you offer your team, paid for by the company. By providing confidential mental health support and guidance from professionals, you can help employees deal with personal and professional issues that may be affecting their ability to focus at work. 

Recent global and national events like the COVID-19 pandemic have had a profound impact on employee mental health, making workplace counselling a growing priority for responsible employers.‍ 

88% of UK businesses now offer some form of workplace counselling service as part of their overall employee benefits package.

It’s tempting, as leaders, to take full responsibility for employees mental health - but this can actually be detrimental. Managers and peers are simply not qualified to take on this responsibility in most cases, and businesses ultimately have a limit for how much company time they’re able to spend supporting their people. Services like Spill exist to manage employee mental health on the company's behalf, with clear boundaries and complete confidentiality, meaning work stays about work.

Who is workplace counselling for?

Workplace counselling can be used to support anyone within your company who's struggling with personal or work-related issues affecting their overall wellbeing and job performance.

That could mean someone who is dealing with a diagnosed mental health condition like depression or anxiety, navigating feelings of loneliness from remote working, looking to switch off and sleep better at night, or adjusting to a big life event like becoming a new parent.

Types of workplace counselling

Every company will feel the benefits of counselling in the workplace, but the type of service that’s right for your company will depend on the size, budget, and needs of the business — and your employees.

Generally, there are three types of workplace counselling services to choose from:

1. Hire a private counsellor to provide in-house support

Offering a ‘DIY’ approach to employee counselling, some companies employ or contract a private workplace counsellor to support struggling employees in-person via regular drop-in clinics or scheduled appointments.

You can choose a specialist who understands your company culture and the intricacies of the business
Makes mental health support more visible (physically in the office), helping reduce stigma
Offers a more personal approach and seems less “clinical”

Support is usually only available during work hours
Employees can’t choose a counsellor that fits their specific situation
Confidentiality is restricted when employees have to request sessions from HR or drop in to a room in the office, which can deter people from getting support

best for
Larger HR and leadership teams who are looking for a more personal approach, and have time to organise the logistics and therapist relationship themselves.

2. Outsource support to an employee assistance programme (EAP)

EAPs are the ‘original’ form of workplace counselling, providing employees with access to short-term counselling and other professional guidance via a hotline. Employees can call the hotline to speak with an advisor, who assesses their level of ‘need’ before either directing them to self-help resources or referring them on to speak to a counsellor.

Typically the cheapest workplace counselling option, with prices starting from £1 per employee per month
Employees can get support for a wide range of issues including mental health, financial stress, legal concerns and career coaching
Help is available 24/7 via the hotline

EAP usage rates are typically very low, averaging just 3-5% of employees (and because they charge a set price per employee, per month, it’s not in their interests to boost this number)
Most employees will be directed to self-help resources and it can be a long and frustrating process trying to speak to an actual counsellor
Most EAPs have a minimum contract length of 3-5 years
EAPs usually only provide short-term support and have a limit on the number of counselling sessions available to each employee
Recent scandals around EAP confidentiality have caused a lack of trust in the service

best for
Large companies with limited budgets who are looking to provide basic support in order to fulfil their duty of care to employees.

3. Outsource support to a specialist workplace counselling solution (like Spill)

Another external option, specialist therapy solutions like Spill sit in the category of “modern EAPs”. They provide the same core offering (access to workplace counselling services) but with a few new features intended to overcome the challenges outlined above. The main difference here is that employees can book counselling sessions on-demand themselves using an online booking system, rather than calling a helpline and having to be referred on for further support.

Super easy for employees to access therapy in a few clicks (no callbacks or waiting lists)
100% private and confidential, meaning much higher usage (Spill’s usage averages 30% of employees)
Employees can choose their ideal therapist by gender, ethnic background, or specialism
Pay-as-you-go pricing available, and no annual contracts

Focus specifically on providing mental health support for employees, and don’t offer financial or legal support
Don’t offer broader wellness support e.g. meditation or mindfulness
More expensive than EAPs on a per employee basis (but often works out as better value for money based on the number of therapy sessions actually used)

best for
Progressive companies looking to provide impactful mental health support for struggling employees. A great option for smaller teams where HR resource is limited to manage this internally, and an employee taking time off for poor mental health would have a big knock-on impact for the rest of the team.

How does workplace counselling work?


There are typically five steps involved in accessing workplace counselling, which starts at the point someone realises they need support and ends when they finish their block of counselling sessions. The exact details of each step will vary depending on your workplace counselling provider.

No matter what type of counselling in the workplace you go for, providers all have the same goal: to help employees safely navigate personal and work related challenges. While each type of counselling for employees will look a little different, the way they work typically follows the same five steps.

1. Someone in your company realises they need support

With 1 in 4 people experiencing a mental health problem of some kind each year, it’s only a matter of time until someone in your team is in need of support.  The journey to this realisation will look different for everyone — it could be a self-referral, a recommendation from friends and family, or a manager referral — but most workplace counselling services rely on the employee acknowledging they need help and making the first move towards initiating support. 

Sadly this means many people don’t get help until they’re at the point of crisis and need time off work in order to fully recover. At Spill, We believe that effective mental health support means having a system in place to spot the signs of poor mental health at an early stage, and taking proactive steps to present available support to employees when they need it most.

2. Your employee contacts the workplace counselling service

For most employee counselling providers, your employee will need to get in touch by phone, email, or submit an online form to take the first step towards getting support. For many people, this can be a big moment, so it's important they feel able to do this easily and privately. This means employees can access support anonymously (rather than requesting details from HR) and quickly, with no phone numbers or log in details to remember.

3. Your employee’s mental health needs are assessed

In the case of most EAPs, employees will initially be put through a triage call with a case manager (typically a non-clinician) who will assess their suitability for workplace counselling. If they pass the suitability assessment, they will then be referred on for support and wait for a call back from the next available counsellor.

When working with a private therapist or a specialist workplace counselling service like Spill, booking a session usually just involves a few questions on how the employee is feeling and anything they are struggling with to give the therapist a bit more context and align on any goals or expectations ahead of time. 

When employees come to Spill for support we don’t ever ask for a doctors note to check for eligibility or run a pre-screening to filter our people who are “too severe”. Our service is set up to support anyone who’s struggling with their mental health.

4. Your employee attends a workplace counselling session

If you were to receive any form of talk therapy through the NHS, your health insurance, a charity, or an EAP, you would likely only be given one format: a course of therapy. A course of workplace therapy is typically 6-12 sessions long. You speak with the same person in each session and you will meet once a week for the duration. This format has been around since the invention of talk therapy in the early 19th century by Freud and to this day remains the most effective way to support somebody who is really struggling with their mental health.

Unlike most workplace counselling providers, Spill offers therapy in different formats to support all employees regardless of whether they're in crisis or just feeling a bit meh. Employees can book a one-off session to get support with recent life events like a bereavement or a breakup. Courses of workplace therapy are best for longer-term mental health problems (like depression or anxiety) and our Ask a Therapist feature offers message based advice on any question to do with improving your own or other people’s mental health (e.g. how to sleep better).

5. Your employee finishes counselling and, if they were off, returns to work

Workplace counselling can be beneficial at any time: some people will book sessions as a preventative measure, while others may be off work and use counselling as part of their recovery. When workplace counselling sessions finish, your employee may feel ready to come back to work, need ongoing support, or spend time putting their learnings into practice. 

The methods of workplace counselling

Of course, there’s more to employee counselling than just the provider — there are different approaches and techniques within counselling, too (often referred to as specialisms). 

‍The exact style of therapy your team can receive depends on the therapists and specialities within your workplace counselling service. At Spill, our team of therapists can cover over 50 different specialisms, making it an accessible source of support for a diverse range of people and experiences. 

The British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy has a neat A-Z of the types of therapy, but for now, here are five of the most common methods of workplace counselling.

1. Solution-focused

A very common approach in workplace counselling, and particularly with EAPs, solution-focused employee therapy tends to be more of a short-term experience. Often, just three or four sessions are needed, during which the therapist will work with an individual on a current problem rather than dwell on the past. It creates a space to set goals and work out how to achieve them, offering up practical ways to help someone feel better.

2. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

A common approach for a range of mental health challenges and perhaps the most well-known workplace counselling method, CBT focuses on how someone’s thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes affect their feelings and actions. During a CBT session, the therapist will help identify and challenge negative thought patterns, and the resulting behaviour. CBT is a common treatment for a number of mental health challenges, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, stress, sleep problems, and many more.‍

3. Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR)

A bit of a mouthful and a somewhat intimidating one at that, EMDR is another method of workplace counselling, developed as a therapy for treating trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Using side-to-side eye movements and talk therapy, EMDR can help someone process negative images, emotions, beliefs, and body sensations associated with a traumatic memory. It’s a specialist technique that helps the brain process unresolved memories and make them less distressing. 

4. Psychodynamic

Developed from psychoanalysis, psychodynamic therapy helps an individual understand how their past experiences and unconscious thoughts shape their current feelings and behaviour. It’s a technique that aims to find the root of the problem and can be used to help with many different problems, like anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and addiction. 

5. Person-centred

A humanistic approach, person-centred workplace counselling is led by the individual rather than the therapist. It’s a dynamic that can help someone realise what resources and support they have available, build self-confidence, and grow into their true self. In return, the therapist will offer acceptance, honesty, and transparency in a judgement-free space, which allows someone to freely explore their own feelings, beliefs, and behaviours to become more self-aware.

Download our guide on workplace counselling ROI

A breakdown of how poor mental health impacts your company's bottom line, and the financial case for investing in proper support for your team

The benefits of workplace counselling


Employee counselling benefits both your team and your business as a result of better performance, fewer sick days, higher retention, improved communication, and an all round more productive company.

The benefits of workplace counselling for employers

With a team that’s feeling great and bringing their best selves to work each day, it’s no surprise that your business will also benefit. As well as improving overall culture and morale, this can lead to big savings financially. 

Here’s why employers should invest in workplace counselling.

Workplace counselling saves you money

There are three areas that cost your company money when it comes to mental health: presenteeism (when someone shows up at work everyday but is unable to do their job properly), time off, and turnover. Together, they cost a company an average of £1,529 per employee, per year. Instead, spend some of that money on workplace counselling: you can expect a return on investment of £7 for every £1 invested in mental health support.

Workplace counselling improves employee productivity 

Happy employees are, on average, 13% more productive. Employee counselling can help your team deal with their mental stressors, which in turn enables them to do their work well. And when people do good work, they feel motivated, engaged, and satisfied. 

Workplace counselling reduces sickness absence 

The average time taken off work by someone due to mental health is now 18 days per year. This comes at a huge cost to employers in terms of both sick pay and reduced output. However workplace counselling interventions have been proven to reduce sickness absence rates by up to 50%, giving employees the tools to actively address and improve their mental health before they reach the point of crisis and have to take time off. 

Workplace counselling reduces employee turnover

61% of UK employees who left a job in the last year or plan to leave in the next 12 months cite poor mental health as a leading factor. For an employee in emotional pain, work is often a major contributor and as a result, the first casualty. Workplace counselling helps employers to retain (and protect) valuable talent by providing a safe space for employees to navigate challenging moments, develop coping strategies and build emotional resilience. 

Workplace counselling increases employee engagement

By offering employee counselling, you’re sending a very clear message to your team: you value them, you care for them, and you want to support them. And with 81% of people saying they’ll look for workplaces that support mental health in their future job search, you’ll stand out from the competition, too: when people feel secure and looked after, they’re more likely to enjoy their work and stick around.

The benefits of workplace counselling for your team

Counselling in the workplace lets your team access mental health support that’s otherwise very difficult to get: 23% of people wait more than 12 weeks to start mental health treatment on the NHS. But aside from making this vital service more accessible, employee counselling has a host of other benefits for your team, too.

Workplace counselling helps employees build emotional intelligence

Counselling in the workplace gives your employees space to safely discuss and acknowledge their emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. With this comes a level of self-awareness of their triggers, biases, and patterns, improving their emotional resilience and social sensitivity.

Workplace counselling helps employees manage stress

Work is the most common cause of stress, affecting 79% of people. And a stressed employee is not a happy or productive one. Workplace counselling can help your team find strategies to effectively manage and reduce their stress levels. 

Workplace counselling helps employees improve performance

Mental health directly impacts an individual’s ability at work: focus, engagement, productivity, and motivation are all affected when someone is dealing with a work-related or personal issue. Workplace counselling offers a way to not only unburden heavy emotions, but to develop coping mechanisms, resilience, and confidence — all things that will help improve performance at work.

Workplace counselling help employees communicate better

Sharing a difficult emotion doesn’t come easily and this stickiness in sharing how we feel is often mirrored in the workplace. During workplace counselling, people get better at speaking up for themselves: they’ll be able to communicate sensitively, assertively, and honestly about how they feel. At work, these skills can look like offering constructive feedback, openly sharing feelings, and setting better boundaries.

Compare workplace counselling options

Spill is a specialist employee counselling service specifically designed to remove the barriers that are so often associated with workplace mental health support.

We’ve spent the last few years building new features to provide a better therapy experience for employees, and a pay-as-you-go pricing model that guarantees ROI for employers. Here’s how Spill stacks up against hiring your own private counsellor or outsourcing employee wellbeing to an EAP:

Spill Private Counsellor EAPs
One-off sessions
Courses of therapy
Manager training
Self-guided content
Neurodiversity support
Access method Slack or MS Teams Ask HR Phone line
Session availability Next day Next month Next month
Average utilisation 25% Unknown 3%
Therapist matching Filter by gender, specialism or language No choice Based on availability
User privacy Fully confidential Partially confident Partially confident

Download our guide on workplace counselling ROI

A breakdown of how poor mental health impacts your company's bottom line, and the financial case for investing in proper support for your team

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Marvin Blake

Not available

/ 5

Support type:

Private Counsellor

I specialise in working with adults experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, burnout, trauma, and identity and relational difficulties. I provide an open conversational space that encourages curiosity, learning and growth.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Yolande Parry

Not available

/ 5

Support type:

Private Counsellor

I specialise in anxiety, stress, grief, ADHD, autism, depression, trauma/PTSD, and relationship challenges. My approach is person-centred and integrative, combining CBT, mindfulness, and compassion-focused techniques.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Marilyn Thomas

Not available

/ 5

Support type:

Private Counsellor

I provide affordable, confidential counselling for individuals and organisations. My therapeutic approach is integrative, meaning I draw upon different modalities in order to best suit your needs within a non-judgmental space.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Owen Johnson-Stewart

Not available

/ 5

Support type:

Private Counsellor

My practice is structured around empathy, a genuine desire to facilitate growth and a safe non judgmental environment for this to all take place in. I can provide face-to-face or online support.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Tara Lange

Not available

/ 5

Support type:

Private Counsellor

Whether you're experiencing challenges such as anxiety, depression, or just feeling lost, my aim is to offer a safe space where you can freely express your thoughts.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Holly McCrossen

Not available

/ 5

Support type:

Private counsellor

I am a qualified counsellor based in central Norwich. I aim to understand and empathise with the difficulties you are experiencing, and work with you to explore these in a safe and accepting environment.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Douglas Edwards

Not available

/ 5

Support type:

Private counsellor

I am an integrative counsellor and addiction therapist working in London. I can offer brief focused counselling where we can address a current situation, as well as longer term psychotherapy to disentangle deeper rooted difficulties.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Michaele Nagac

Not available

/ 5

Support type:

Private counsellor

I provide a confidential space for clients to explore challenging aspects in their life, specialising in stress, anxiety, burnout and depression which can be rooted in past and present experiences.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Tom Lewis

Not available

/ 5

Support type:

Private counsellor

I work with my clients to explore, clarify and process whatever they may be going through in a calm, curious and empathetic manner ensuring they feel heard and valued.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Francis Norton

Not available

/ 5

Support type:

Private counsellor

I specialise in burnout, how it effects your job, your self and your relationships, and how to step out of it. I help people to step off this path and rediscover the spontaneity of engaging with their now and exploring their future.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Vita Health Group


/ 5

Support type:


Vita’s EAP is an employee benefit programme that supports employee wellbeing and resilience. The service is available 24/7, is completely confidential and delivers a support service that provides help, guidance and access to trained professionals.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Care First


/ 5

Support type:


Care first EAPs are a comprehensive set of services designed to help employers provide a balanced and healthy working environment, with a telephone helpline, wellbeing content and access to face to face counselling.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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TELUS (LifeWorks)


/ 5

Support type:


Our EAP provides mental health support and work/life services for employees and their families. Users can access the EAP 24/7 in the way they prefer, at every stage of their journey.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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/ 5

Support type:


Employees can access online resources covering a range of self-help topics. They can also call our free employee assistance programme helpline 24/7 to get immediate emotional and practical support and advice from a qualified expert.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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PAM Wellbeing


/ 5

Support type:


Our EAP helpline provides an immediately accessible short-term counselling service on a wide range of topics as well as digital access to expert health and wellbeing resources, via our employee wellbeing app.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Education Support


/ 5

Support type:


Our EAP is a school wellbeing service tailored specifically for schools, colleges and other education organisations, that gives teachers and education staff confidential support and guidance, just when they need it.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Vitality EAP


/ 5

Support type:


Vitality at Work helps employees understand their health and rewards them for getting healthy, with access to tailored benefits and a 24/7 EAP helpline.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

Learn more


/ 5

Support type:


Support your team's wellbeing with curated resources at their fingertips and health perks that add value to your employees’ lives.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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/ 5

Support type:


Supporting employees holistically across the broad spectrum of life’s issues, with best-in-class digital tools and 24/7/365 live access to clinical experts via a variety of modalities.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Health Hero


/ 5

Support type:


Our next-generation Assist Employee Assistance Programme is customisable and scalable. Build a package of healthcare solutions to meet your organisation's wellbeing needs.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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AXA Health EAP


/ 5

Support type:


With our EAP, your teams will find guidance on coping strategies. They can speak to our nurses, pharmacists and midwives as well as our LifeManagementTM team who are ready to support and guide them through any worries they have.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Mind Matters (Workday)


/ 5

Support type:


Mind Matters (powered by Lyra) is Workday’s global mental health programme offering a comprehensive suite of on-demand resources, therapy, and unlimited coaching sessions.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Optum Health


/ 5

Support type:


A comprehensive and flexible employee assistance program with proactive solutions and support for everyday life.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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MCL Medics


/ 5

Support type:


We are an EAP that engages your whole workforce, providing fast and easy access to a huge range of support.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Optima Health


/ 5

Support type:


We help organisations promote employee engagement and wellbeing by offering 24/7 telephone support accessible from anywhere in the world, providing advice, information and support.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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/ 5

Support type:


Sonder’s global health and safety platform is the next step in employee assistance. Give your workforce easy access to medical advice, safety support and mental health care all in one place.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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/ 5

Support type:

Modern EAP alternative

Our modern employee supports enable you to create a workplace wellbeing programme that truly impacts the health of your business. Going beyond traditional EAP, our full spectrum care means happier, healthier team members who can thrive across the full spectrum of life.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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/ 5

Support type:

Modern EAP alternative

Unmind’s comprehensive mental health platform combines therapy, coaching, AI, and expert insights to help your organization thrive.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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/ 5

Support type:

Modern EAP alternative

Mental health screenings providing personalised plans with content written by licensed psychologists, and unlimited guided meditations and mindfulness programs.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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/ 5

Support type:

Modern EAP alternative

A full EAP replacement including access to mental health coaching, 24/7 phone support and mindfulness tools.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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/ 5

Support type:

Modern EAP alternative

An all-in-one platform offering comprehensive HR tools that combine efficiency with a focus on employee mental health.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Self Space


/ 5

Support type:

Modern EAP alternative

Your trusted partner in workplace mental maintenance providing 1-to-1 therapy, therapist-lead workshops, talks and trainings.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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/ 5

Support type:

Modern EAP Alternative

The tools you need to help your team through any challenge, personal or professional. Next day therapy, manager training, and neurodiversity support - all in one platform.


On-demand counselling

Self-help resources

Mental health training

Telephone helpline

Financial & legal advice

Mindfulness & meditation

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Join over 600 companies offering mental health support to their employees with Spill

The tools you need to help your team through any challenge, personal or professional. Next day therapy, manager training, and neurodiversity support - all in one platform.

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